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Old 08-09-2007, 09:57 PM
AuburnMom AuburnMom is offline
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to answer a few questions that I have recieved....

I've recieved a few questions via PM and I thought I would answer them on the forum as they could be interesting to all...

1. How is the general overall mood of the PNM's? I can only speak for my daughter and to her experience, but she is having a good time and I believe most of the girl's in her group are at a minimal enjoying themselves. Everyone is nervous, but I think it is a good nervous energy and the sorority girls have been lovely!

2. How has the heat affected the girls? It is hot (hotter then normal) and it is making things probably a bit more cumbersome then usual but as a whole they seem to be holding up okay. Kate did tell me a story today about a girl in her Pi Chi group starting to feel faint and having to sit down, but she was very quickly helped by fellow rushee's and Pi Chi's and seems to be fine now.

3. What are the girls wearing? Sundresses for days 1 and 2. Today and tomorrow it is Panhellenic T-shirts and Shorts.

4. Have I heard anything about quotas? No

5. Is there much tent talk? I believe there is probably a fair amount of it. The Pi Chi's are encouraging the girls to form their own opinons, but the girls are talking amongst themselves, as is probably normal!

6. How far North are we? I better not answer that one! maybe after rush is over (I am sure you understand!)

One more comment, the Pi Chi's at Auburn seem to be doing an amazing job. Kate cannot say enough good things about hers. Kudos to Auburn Panhellenic and the Pi Chi's and the job they've done in putting rush together!
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Old 08-09-2007, 10:01 PM
AuburnMom AuburnMom is offline
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An update from Kate…..

She continues to have a good time. She attended 9 out of the 12 second round parties that she will visit for philanthropy round today and will attend the remaining 3 tomorrow.

An interesting thing that she told me is that with each round she likes new and different things about each sorority. After attending almost two rounds of parties, she is feeling a strong pull to Austria (she says it feels like home). She also has really enjoyed attending Germany today. She said that the girls in Finland are trying so hard to make everyone feel at home. Finland is a smaller sorority and she is impressed with how hard they are trying. Tomorrow she goes back to France, Norway, and Ireland—3 of her favorites from the first round!

Tomorrow afternoon she will have to rank the 12 sororities she attended in this round and the sororities will rank the PNM’s. They will have to reduce from 12 sororities to 6 sororities for Round 3—Skit Round. Skit round will take place on Saturday.

More updates when I have them!
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Old 08-10-2007, 12:35 AM
leesek leesek is offline
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My friend went through recruitment at Auburn last year. She did not know one person on campus. Her family was not "Greek". she did just fine!!!!
It is not true that if you are not a "legacy" at a competitive Southern school that you don't stand a chance. Good luck to your daughter!!!
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Old 08-10-2007, 02:31 AM
elainebenice elainebenice is offline
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my little sister is also going through rush at auburn this week. "kate" has definitely provided more info to you than i have received!!! i have been VERY pleased to hear my little sister's voice go from bordering on sheer panic the night before rush began, to actually sounding like she was having fun yesterday.

thanks for starting this thread!! you have done a great job keeping us updated, but i do have a few comments/observations to offer also if you don't mind. just as leesek just said, you do not have to be a legacy to get a bid and in a lot of cases it actually can hurt you.

for example, my sister's best friend is also going through rush, as is another one of their friends from high school. the best friend happens to have an older sister who just graduated from auburn and was in a sorority. i'm too tired to figure out a witty code, so i will call this sorority A. the best friend also happens to have a cousin who is active in another sorority on campus, B. my sister is fortunate to be a legacy to sorority C b/c of her big sis . the other friend is not a legacy of any sorority (that i know of).

since there are 3 of them and they are all in different pi chi groups, they really learned a LOT after just the first day and got to share their likes and dislikes with one another, which can be good and bad. my sister did not visit sorority A or C the first day, but did visit B. the best friend visited sorority A and C the first day, but not B. at the end of the day, the best friend says that she "hated" sorority A and "loved" sorority C. i could tell my sister was relieved by this report since she would be visiting C first thing the next morning. for whatever reason, i think they both were already leaning toward C. in the nicest and non-bossy way possible, i tried to impress upon them how important it was not to go into this process with any pre-conceived ideas about the groups or feeling any pressure to pledge a family member's sorority. this can only lead to disappointment and unhappiness b/c you are being unfair to yourself by possibly limiting your options to the point that you may end up with none and you may very well completely overlook the sorority that is actually the perfect fit for you.

anyway, my sister really liked sorority C the second day and said she was really made to feel comfortable there with several sisters introducing themselves to her, including the president, which obviously makes any rushee feel welcome. of course, i was pleased with this report, but i began to become concerned about best friend. i was VERY worried she would be dropped by several sororities based solely on her connections to sororities A & B.

my concern was on several different levels - i really like best friend and know what a wonderful asset she would be to any group, so i was dreading see her get cut by a group based on absolutely NO fault of her own (she has a 4.0, 32 ACT, leader/athlete in hs, cute, etc). my other huge concern was the fact that, prior to rush starting, my sister was pretty hesitant about the whole process and i wouldn't have been surprised if she called and said she decided not to do it. side note - this would have been fine with me, although i think anyone can benefit through participating in rush, whether you pledge any sorority or not. anyway, since she was so hesitant to begin with, my concern was that best friend would get cut by C and my sister would not, which would possibly make my sister lose interest or just the excitement of possibly joining the same group as your best friend. this shouldn't have any effect on my sister's ultimate decisions, but i have to keep reminding myself that they are fresh out of mom and dad's house and losing your "comfort blanket" the first day does not make the rush process any easier.

well, i get the call this morning - i must have a crystal ball b/c best friend has been dropped by C, but not my sister. i could hear the disappointment in her voice and i was personally disappointed b/c i know what an asset she could have been to C, but also the ONLY reason she was dropped was b/c of her connections with A & B. btw, the "other friend" i mentioned earlier was not enjoying rush as of the last update i received and actually told my sister that sorority C was breaking some sort of rule by mentioning they had heard great things about her. i reminded my sister about recommendations and how the point of those are to inform the sorority of "great things" about you. there is some obvious jealousy going on there and my sister told me that the "other friend's" pi chi group was "just like that" and "really weird" about sharing their experiences at the different sororities with each other. so, there is apparently at least one pi chi group that probably isn't the most fun group to be in right now!!!

ok, i just realized i wrote a novel just to say - not only do you not have to be a legacy to get a bid, but a lot of times it hurts you. i didnt get a call tonight and i'm hoping this is b/c my sister was just so tired she went straight to bed and not b/c she had a bad day. i also hope she can continue to have a good week and keep an open mind when best friend may not pledge the same sorority, if either of them pledge at all. sorry for getting carried away with those details. i think i must have had a lot of energy that needed to be released. LOL
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Old 08-10-2007, 08:24 AM
FSUZeta FSUZeta is offline
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elaine, so glad to hear that you sister is enjoying herself. how about starting a rush thread for her that includes her two friends? the more the merrier!!
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Old 08-10-2007, 08:27 AM
AUDeltaGam AUDeltaGam is offline
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Old 08-10-2007, 12:50 PM
AuburnMom AuburnMom is offline
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I am also glad to hear that your sister is enjoying herself. Thank you for the update on her!

I can definitely see where being a legacy can be a double-edged sword. Obviously you get a "leg up" in your legacy sorority, but it could hurt you in the rest of the sororities.

I haven't heard anything from Kate today and will update when I do. The next round of party invites go out tomorrow morning and then the girls will go directly to the 3rd round (Skit Day) parties.

Here's keeping our fingers crossed for your sister, my daughter, and all of the rest of Auburn's PNM's!
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Old 08-10-2007, 01:15 PM
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Cutting from twelve houses to six.........

Saturday could be a trying day for many pnms.
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Old 08-10-2007, 01:23 PM
elainebenice elainebenice is offline
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Originally Posted by FSUZeta View Post
elaine, so glad to hear that you sister is enjoying herself. how about starting a rush thread for her that includes her two friends? the more the merrier!!
is that a subtle hint to take my longwindedness elsewhere??? LOL

i won't be writing anymore novels, trust me. i just needed to get the background out.....i guess. honestly, i wish i had the time to start another thread, but i'm pushing it to even be reading these threads, much less taking up halp a webpage with one post!!!

i still haven't heard anything from my sister either. i'm beginning to get a little nervous, but i have done all i can do and the rest is up to her. the ONLY thing that i'm concerned about is that she will make a "heat of the moment" decision based on her best friend's status, whatever that may be, and later realize that they are still going to be best friends no matter what happens during rush and what sororities they do or do not pledge. i know there are many things i look back on now that i did at that age and realize how silly my reasoning (or lack thereof) was, but that's just a part of life that we all go through to become an least i think it is for most people.
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Old 08-10-2007, 02:03 PM
AuburnMom AuburnMom is offline
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Originally Posted by elainebenice View Post
i know there are many things i look back on now that i did at that age and realize how silly my reasoning (or lack thereof) was, but that's just a part of life that we all go through to become an least i think it is for most people.

Amen sister! I was right there with you.....
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Old 08-10-2007, 03:24 PM
elainebenice elainebenice is offline
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auburnmom - do you know what their schedule was today? i was thinking they would be finished by now since they only had a few to visit today.
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Old 08-10-2007, 03:46 PM
AuburnMom AuburnMom is offline
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They are done! They finished all second round parties this morning and then met with their Pi Chi’s around lunch time to enter their rankings for the next (third) round. I believe they are “off” now until tomorrow morning when they pick up their invites to the third round parties and then head off to those. They will attend up to six skit parties tomorrow!
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Old 08-10-2007, 04:01 PM
AZ-AlphaXi AZ-AlphaXi is offline
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here's the link to the schedule from the Auburn Panhellenic site
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Old 08-10-2007, 04:19 PM
elainebenice elainebenice is offline
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Originally Posted by AuburnMom View Post
They are done! They finished all second round parties this morning and then met with their Pi Chi’s around lunch time to enter their rankings for the next (third) round. I believe they are “off” now until tomorrow morning when they pick up their invites to the third round parties and then head off to those. They will attend up to six skit parties tomorrow!
based on the schedule of the website, it looks like they will know tonight at 8:30 where they will be going tomorrow.
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Old 08-10-2007, 04:40 PM
AuburnMom AuburnMom is offline
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I think they may have altered that schedule slightly....

I think they are supposed to meet at 8:30pm tonight to rank the sororities they attended in this round (not to find out where they are invited back) and then they find out in the morning where they are going back. However, it appears as if the Pi Chi's have been given some freedom in moving around the time they meet with the PNM's as Kate has already met with her Pi Chi and ranked her sororities.

The reason I think that the schedule is referring to the meet and rank meeting and not the find out where you go back to meeting is that if you look at the schedule for Wednesday it says they were have supposed to have met at 8pm on that night to rank the sororities from the first round; however, I know Kate met her Pi Chi around 2pm on that day to rank her sororities and then recieved her invite list back on Thursday morning.

Just a thought, but I could be wrong.......
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