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Old 09-11-2003, 10:20 AM
Mandelion Mandelion is offline
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Talking Quite a night

Ok, heres my report on last night.

At 6 pm I went to Green's party, they had an "Ice Cream Social" at the park, a very cute idea. Because the party was so early there weren't too many sisters there (only about half ) when we arrived and there were SO many freshman! (Keep in mind freshman cannot rush in the fall here). No one officially greeted us when we got there..we kinda just walked up and sat down at the picnic benches.
The whole thing was really unorganized and I only got to talk to the sisters a little bit since there were so many more PNM than sisters. And then they would sit and talk to eachother instead of us sometimes.. But let me say, the girls I did talk to I loved, just like the last time I met with this group. I really felt at ease with them. The ice cream was good too ^_^. But I'm still really sad I couldn't meet more of them and a little disappointed with the party itself.

All that took about an hour..then at 7:30:

I met Blue's sisters for their interest paty (sophomore's only but a couple of freshman accidentally came anyways, but were welcomed with open arms ^_^). THe sisters announed we'd be taken around to three different houses where sisters lived to meet everyone and have salad at the first house, dinner at the 2nd, then dessert at the third! There was so much to this party, so bear with me while I talk about it in three phases!

Phase 1: WIth every house we went to the sisters we lined up outside chanting really loud about how why we should pledge them (it was SO cute). I was so excited that I was talking A LOT to the sisters and really being myself. I felt a little weird because none of the other rushees would say much at this first house and I was trying to make sure I didn't step on anyone's toes and interrupt them.. (BTW- The Salad was good). I was talking to about four sisters at this house all of whom were really nice and eager to answer my questions.

Phase 2: We walked a coupld of blocks to the "entree house" where there was spaghetti and garlic bread. I talked to at least five sisters here about pledging and our personal lives and why they joined this org . I should mention that at all three houses whenever someone asked if I was having a good time I replied that I was (of course!) And then I asked if they were having a good time (not mockingly) and this really caught them off guard. Then for a second it would be this moment where they really came out about how much they loved what they were doing. It was so sweet and so refreshing. They always seem really real, but you know they have to keep giving a lot of the same answers all night.

Phase 3: The "Dessert House"! First off: They said we couldn't leave unless we were completely stuffed and they made sure of it. After I finished a cookie there was a bowl of ice cream under my nose (my second bowl that evening! ) I met even more sisters here and got to talk about my involvement in ASID and my role as Historian/Publicist/Webmaster. THEN, some of sisters talked about their most embarrassing moments in the sorority and mentioned that they were all normal girls who make crazy mistakes (like falling off a float in the homecoming parade!!) I love, love, love this group now.

So between these two I could be a very happy soror, I feel like I really connected with both.

Come September 25th it will be very hard to choose if I got a bid from both.
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