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Old 12-15-2000, 12:04 AM
ZChi4Life ZChi4Life is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 752

Originally posted by Asia2000:
Thanks. People always say go to the national rep for help. But, for many of our problems, I really don't want them to know we are having those types of problems. So we basically try to figure out everything ourselves. But it's made us a pretty strong unit.

However, it is really difficult getting everyone totally involved in the process of putting together the packet. It seems like if the core group of leaders don't take charge and just do it, it won't get done. It's actually a bit frustrating. How do you motivate them to help? Can't keep giving them responsibility when they've previously proven incompetent, tu sabe? Plus, it's getting late in the game to run experiments and hope this person or that person comes through.

Any suggestions?
Girl, why do you sound like our pledge class??! We had the SAME probs when were going through the process. I swear, we tried EVERYTHING to involve those that weren't stepping up to par. It was hard to give someone/some peeps a task to do when you know they won't get it done. From my experience, what we did was to basically sit down and discuss w/ those that weren't doing their share that they need to get it together, ya know. From what we found out, some peeps didn't even realize they weren't doing anything! (I don't know how you could be that oblivious, but whatever...) Talk to these people (if you haven't already) and find out where their dedication lies. Do they really, really wanna be apart of the group? Why do they wanna be a part of the group? Are they willing to do whatever it takes to get the chapter started? Let them know how you feel about their involvement. Also, sometimes you just gotta be blunt with how you feel. Especially if you've tried to be nice and let them know subtly that they aren't doing their share of the work or are trying to include them in things to make them work. With us, we tried doing that and when it came down to it, the people that weren't holding up their end told us that we should have just came out and said it, instead of finding nice little ways to include them. Some peeps just don't pick up hints well and if that's the case with you all, then maybe it's time to just put it out there, plain and simple. Hey, it might upset peeps, but at least they'll know FOR SURE where they stand. I hope that all made sense. If you want, email me on this. I can tell ya some thangs about us...well as much as I can. Good luck!

Oh, one last thing. About talking to your Nat'l Rep...I say do it. If you are the leader/Pres of your IG, I say call up the Natl Rep. We did the same thing and tried to hide it. Honestly, when it all came out, our Nat'ls were kinda upset that we didn't talk to them about it. Not upset like mad, but upset like sad that we didn't even think of coming to them about our problems. They had been through the same things before and they knew what to do in those situations. So, in your case too, your Nat'l Rep will probably have been through the same situation--whether they helped another IG with it or whether they've actually experienced it themselves. They know! So talk to them. Don't be afraid. Cuz honestly, EVERYBODY goes through this! They are there to help, so talk to them!

[This message has been edited by ZChi4Life (edited December 14, 2000).]
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