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Old 12-03-2003, 10:54 AM
kddani kddani is offline
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But it's realistic.

There are superficial aspects in each and every part of life.

Like a lot of people have said in various discussions.... it's like a job interview. You want to present yourself in the best possible light, which includes appearance. Yeah, it may not be "fair" or whatever could be argued, but IT'S LIFE.

And it varies from school to school. But one thing that will not vary is if you do not have pride in yourself, you will get cut (which includes pride in your apperance. Regardless of weight or money, you can be clean, presentable, and dress in a way that's flattering- 10 rolls hanging out isn't flattering on anyone).

When people don't take care of their appearance, they also tend not to take care of themselves on the inside as well. Yes, there are people who take care of themselves physically but are a mess inside. But if you care about yourself, then you want to present yourself in the best possible light.
Yes, I will judge you for your tackiness.
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