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Old 11-24-2002, 05:20 PM
33girl 33girl is offline
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Hotel Oceanview
Posts: 34,495
Originally posted by honeychile
The only way I've seen it work is when, after formal rush, a member of ABC (who is at quota/total) has a friend who didn't rush and is panhellencally minded enough to say to her non-Greek friend, "You know, we're not taking anyone else this year - but why don't you check out XYZ or PQR? The important thing is being a Greek, especially with Greek Week around the corner!" This is how TRUE Panhellenic Recruitment is supposed to work, isn't it?

Heck, I've done this even when my group WASN'T at total. I know some women who are great, but would not be a good fit for my group. Why talk someone into pledging your org who is going to hate it, just so you can get the numbers? It would be nice if everyone could stop focusing on the almighty quota/total and concentrate on trying to give the rushees the best Greek experience.
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil