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Old 03-25-2015, 12:57 AM
tld221 tld221 is offline
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Originally Posted by PiKA2001 View Post
I hear you and that's actually where I fit in myself BUT isn't that what the for profits would always get criticized about? It should also be noted that a lot of nontraditional students are first time college students and there are some younger traditional aged students that are skipping the campus and going the online program route. I would think those students should have the resources and tools they need to succeed.
to the first bolded: yes, exactly that. they may be older but life experience doesnt mean they wont have the same question as your traditional 17/18 FYFT (first year full time) student.

to the second: some may not have a choice or are not "skipping." Theyre only option may be a completely online program, if they don't have the circumstances to relocate for college (either by moving on campus or closer to one), have consistent transportation to a campus, or disabilities which make being at a campus on a consistent basis difficult, even with accommodations a university is able to provide, and of course, finances. I learned from a classmate today that in Wyoming (their home state) there is only one private and one public 4-year institution. The rest are 2-year institutions, and then there's University of Phoenix.

UW is in SE Wyoming - 2ish hours from Denver. If you live in, NW Wyoming, around Yellowstone, that's a good 8.5 hour drive. If your only (financial) option is to stay in-state and you want a bachelor's degree, your best option may to take an online program, especially if it credits costs the same as in-person (or sometimes less).

I know this is one narrow example, but there are a lot of variable, and back to the original point: yes all students should have comparable student services that serves them holistically. I'm not sure if it's realistic to expect them to be identical, or to have the same impact, but still important to work towards.
Do you know people? Have you interacted with them? Because this is pretty standard no-brainer stuff. -33girl
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