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Old 09-22-2012, 11:43 AM
MOMOF1 MOMOF1 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 13
It really does only take one...

This is the story of my daughter’s recruitment one year ago.................. A story that almost didn’t happen.

My daughter, whom I will call Jess, is an outgoing, full of life, full of spirit and fight, who does not care what other’s think driven young lady who had never really thought of going Greek. She knew the college she would attend and was preparing for it with excitement. I encouraged her to look at the possibility of going through recruitment...ok, I strongly urged her. I knew she would love it, if only for the chance to have sisters and if she didn't get in one, she would still have the chance to make new friends.

So, on a whim, she signed up. She checked out the websites and facebook pages of the sororities at her college just to get an idea of what she was signing up for. She decided instantly which one’s she liked, which was all but one, just by the pictures she saw and the layout of the pages. I know, I know....wrong, wrong, wrong. She would now be going in without an open mind. This was her first mistake.

The time drew near and as we were packing everything I asked about what she would wear during recruitment. She said whatever she had in the closest would be fine, you see this shorts/ tshirt/ flip flop wearing southern girl had not a care about what was "in". Had never even heard of Lily Pulitzer and stated that if she was judged by the dress she had on, then it wasn't the place for her anyway...

Do you all get the idea, that this was Mom’s wish, not really hers. It wasn’t something she was against, she just didn’t really care one way or the other if she got in one or not. She is very focused and the only thing she had in mind, was getting there, getting her degree and then doing the job she loved.
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