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Old 12-22-2010, 08:55 AM
AnotherKD AnotherKD is offline
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Originally Posted by Rossjenk View Post
Ok, I am an 18 year old student at The Univeristy Of Hull in England. The university is considered rather a good university for academic and social aspect. However one thing that i have noticed to be missing from all univesitys in the UK is fraternities and sororitorys. The reason that I joined this website is to propose an idea, the first university fraternity in the UK, being a chapter of a pre-existing fraternity in the United States.

The reasons for it being beneficial for US and UK (hopefully) GLOs, are great. Firstly, for a UK fraternity to start, it will require a lot of hard work coming from me. This is because I will be introducing a comlpletely new idea to traditional university life in the country. Money will have to be raised, rules written, principles convinced of the advantages of having a fraternity, and proving the doubts wrong. To do all of these things, it would be much better, and easier (in the sense of traditions and the convincing would be much easier to believe if I would be able to bring forth evidence of the other chapters history proving that fraternities produce great people) by taking first hand advice off people who are experienced in this area. It would also be beneficial to you the GLOs of America, fraternities are of course partially about the fun aspect, drinking, party's and such, making life time friendships and Buisness opportunities. Of course graduated members of fraternities can become very successful purely within the united states, however, what if this could be international success. Straight away, all brothers would have brand new contacts in a different content, I understand these students will not yet have graduated but just think of what your own fraternities were whe they first began. And of course the contacts don't just end with the students, there are, as you alk know, parents, grandparents, family members, friends and so on that are alk very useful. Also, it would offer a different university life to certain members. Imagine, being able to find another student to transfer with, without having to go through a grouping process, it could be as simple as finding another brother, in a different continent, who is willing to do this trade of places.

This fraternity, as I previously said, would be the first I the United Kingdom others would follow suit, one day I hope for the connections between universities in my country to be as great as the USA and I believe that fraternities are a great way to help with this. Once one fraternity is set up, I imagine that up and down the country, fraternities and sororitorys will be appearing, allowing more chapter from different GlOs to spread internationally.

I understand this is not written greatly, I am an engineering student myself, however, I hope that you have taken the time to read this post and consider what I pledge to you, not just a request for help, but I lifetime of gratitude from myself and what I hope to be future members.

Ross Jenkinson.
Um, dude, there is at least one existing fraternity in the UK already, at Oxford. Zeta Psi. There may be more- you should really google this stuff. But it's not like it doesn't exist in the UK and you'd be the first ever to have this idea. That being said, you should talk with your Student Life office at the University first.

Sorry for bolding "sororitory" twice, but that misspelling made me laugh.
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