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Old 07-26-2007, 11:37 AM
ZTAngel ZTAngel is offline
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Originally Posted by Siggy_lxvi View Post

She doesn't listen and goes to see him, but in the meantime, she's decided she wants a baby, and has gone off her birth control. She comes home from her ill-planned adventure in Louisiana all aglow thinking that she's pregnant. Those of you who know much of anything about reproductive physiology will already know the outcome when I tell you that this girl is 22 and has been on the pill since she was sixteen, and had gone off the pill only long enough to have one period. Of course she's not pregnant. Her body hasn't caught up with the fact that she's stopped taking the pills. It might not do for YEARS yet.
Funny story. Just a side comment though. Women are fertile from the minute they go off the pill. It doesn't matter if they've been on the pill for 10 years or 1 month - they're fertile. That's why you hear of women who get pregnant when they screw up and forget to take their pill one day. In fact, from studies I've read, for some reason it's actually easier for women who have been on the pill to get pregnant than women who haven't. Just wanted to throw in that information in case any GCer who is currently on the pill gets freaked out with the thought that she might not be able to have a baby.

Anyhow, your roommate sounds like a very unique person.
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