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CreoleGypsy 11-15-2006 04:04 PM

Starting a Christian Sorority here in the Midwest
After doing a lot of research, I and two other women are interested in starting a Christian sorority(can be African-American for starters, can branch out to multi-cultural if interests goes that route.) I have not seen any Christian sororities here in the midwest area(Chicagoland for a starting point) and our organization would representing not only collegiate women(women who are going to school either at a community or local college, as well as any women that is continuing or going to school at a accredited school online) but also any women who's first focus is on God and we would be a service sorority (as well as still having fun socially) I know and have read that there are so many Christian sororities that are in the South and my first choice is if we become a part of that chapter, but if not starting our own chapter here in the Midwest. I would love to hear from other organizations on how easy this process is, and what challenges that your organization has overcome.

God Bless!

Drolefille 11-15-2006 04:29 PM

Just clarifying:
African-American Christian Non-Collegiate Service Sorority?

If you're looking to start a new chapter of a pre-exisiting sorority your best bet would be to research the sororities that you're aware of and contact them directly.

Are you really looking for non-collegiates? If so, would a women's group suit your purpose better than a sorority? It can be hard to mesh college students and their schedules with non-college students/parents/full time employees.

Xidelt 11-15-2006 06:01 PM

What about checking one of the threads that list the non-collegiate, community sororities? Many of these have a very strong community service focus. You could always choose to start a chapter of one that has a philanthropy focus that appeals to you. Even though you would be part of a national organization, you could always add activities to your chapter to customize it to your particular needs/interests, such as a Bible study, chapter chaplain, etc.

Drolefille 11-15-2006 10:08 PM

See this thread: Christian Sororities

Thanks to Senusret I and BetaRose :D

CUPrez 03-25-2007 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by CreoleGypsy (Post 1357926)
After doing a lot of research, I and two other women are interested in starting a Christian sorority(can be African-American for starters, can branch out to multi-cultural if interests goes that route.) I have not seen any Christian sororities here in the midwest area(Chicagoland for a starting point) and our organization would representing not only collegiate women(women who are going to school either at a community or local college, as well as any women that is continuing or going to school at a accredited school online) but also any women who's first focus is on God and we would be a service sorority (as well as still having fun socially) I know and have read that there are so many Christian sororities that are in the South and my first choice is if we become a part of that chapter, but if not starting our own chapter here in the Midwest. I would love to hear from other organizations on how easy this process is, and what challenges that your organization has overcome.

God Bless!

I recommend that you see what other Christian sororities are out there first before starting your own. I'm sure you can find one that does not necessarily have a collegiate scope, but will be interested in expanding in your area. My sorority does not accept women unless they are graduates of a four-year college or enrolled in a four-year college. However, there are a few other Christian sororities that do not have these requirements. There are many, many Christian sororities and you will be able to expand your reach in ministry and not go through so many headaches if you join one that is already established.

Xplosive 03-29-2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by CUPrez (Post 1418382)
I recommend that you see what other Christian sororities are out there first before starting your own. I'm sure you can find one that does not necessarily have a collegiate scope, but will be interested in expanding in your area. My sorority does not accept women unless they are graduates of a four-year college or enrolled in a four-year college. However, there are a few other Christian sororities that do not have these requirements. There are many, many Christian sororities and you will be able to expand your reach in ministry and not go through so many headaches if you join one that is already established.

YESSS!!! Im too lazy to make my own fraternity. Having to make a Constitution, letters, colors, meanings to all the letters and colors....too much So I just chartered a chapter of an existing Christian GLO which is hard work too but not nearly as hard as making your OWN GLO. I will agree with my CUPrez(this is David Matthews from facebook and advise you to look into existing Christian sororities. You can either click the link that Drolefille put or you could go here


MsDGP007 05-17-2007 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Drolefille (Post 1357944)
Just clarifying:

Are you really looking for non-collegiates? If so, would a women's group suit your purpose better than a sorority? It can be hard to mesh college students and their schedules with non-college students/parents/full time employees.

I just wanted to add something to the non-collegiate issue. My sorority never really was geared towards non-collegiates, but we did have a policy where we had a regional chapter for women attending either 2-year or junior colleges or school were they did not have a formal Greek system. What we learned is that once the core group of interestees moved along (which was pretty fast), the chapter would die out. We never really officially recinded that policy...however it is coming under review...and will probably be eliminated because it was not successful.

What many sororities do have however, is a seperate membership status called "associate". Depending on the sorority, associate members can hold a lot of the rights collegiate sisters do (each organization decides rather associates are to be called sisters or not). Usually, associate sorority members are not expected to keep up a unique chapter and/or hold the same time committment that collegians do. That may be a better option in your case.

LUC Kappa 05-19-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by CreoleGypsy (Post 1357926)
After doing a lot of research, I and two other women are interested in starting a Christian sorority(can be African-American for starters, can branch out to multi-cultural if interests goes that route.) I have not seen any Christian sororities here in the midwest area(Chicagoland for a starting point)

There are Two christian sororities and one fraternity in chicago I know of, ZAO, ZOE , AND Z PHI Z

and then at northern there is ADP and also the magistrete fraternity at urbana champaign

lambdalady 06-14-2007 06:23 PM

Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc.
When I decided I did not want to be apart of non-christian sorority I thought about starting one until I found Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc. These women blew me away with there LOVE for Christ. They were really about spreading God's kingdom and I was too. It was a perfect fit for me and we chartered a chapter in less that a year.

Our national website is
Our chapter website is

Good lucking finding what you are looking for.

Alpha Lambda Omega Christian Sorority, Inc.
Founded 1990
Giving back to Jesus what he gave to us...Our Lives!

TailorMade 06-19-2007 12:06 PM

I think the creator of this topic has either started her own sorority or joined an existing one. I saw that the post was started back in November of 2006. We are now in June of 2007. But I am anxious to see which way she went

SororSweeteePie 10-07-2007 03:47 PM

Christian Sororities
Hi There! It is best to do your research on Christian sororities because there are quite a few of them out there. You may find that some may suit your needs and that some may not. Before I actually pledged, I followed my current sorority for 6-7 months just to see if everything was as it should be. There are some Christian sororities that require a four-year degree and some that are community-based and philanthropies. Make sure that you go to God on what it is that you would like to do and get the proper clearance before you start your journey. I wish you all the best and many blessings.

Soror Sweetee Pie:p
Iota Theta Eta Christian Sorority Inc.
"How pretty is she in purple and pink"

reservoir2 12-26-2007 07:42 PM

Christian Sorority in the Midwest
I am apart of a Christian Sorority that was actually founded at Middle Tennessee State University, but has widely spread to the Midwest and abroad. I am a member or Alpha Theta Omega Christian Sorority Inc. we also have a brother fraternity Alpha Omega Theta Christian Fraternity Inc. and both national headquarters are in St. Louis. Our main purpose is to spread the uncompromising message of Jesus Christ on our college campuses and in our communities. We also do normal greek stuff like stepping, strolling, community service and service programs.You can contact me for more information if you like.

AlphaFrog 12-26-2007 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by reservoir2 (Post 1569225)
I am a part of a Christian Sorority that was actually founded at Middle Tennessee State University, but has widely spread to the Midwest and abroad.

It happened multiple times in this thread. It's driving me crazy.:p

SthrnZeta 12-27-2007 09:02 AM

I'm sure this point has been made before, but most NPC groups were founded on Christian ideals and include Christianity in their rituals... just a thought.

33girl 12-27-2007 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by SthrnZeta (Post 1569407)
I'm sure this point has been made before, but most NPC groups were founded on Christian ideals and include Christianity in their rituals... just a thought.


Originally Posted by CreoleGypsy (Post 1357926)
first focus is on God

Two different things.

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