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DPhiEAngel 07-25-2003 05:45 PM

Where would you like to see a new DPhiE chapter?
Of course I wish DPhiE could be at every school, but here are some schools in particular I wish DPhiE was at:

- Penn State - they have 20 sororities and a huge Greek system.
- University of Washington - another school with a strong Greek system. We don't have a presence anywhere in the state, and UW is within driving distance of the Delta Gamma chapter at UBC
- University of Southern California, UCLA, or any other California school - wish we had a larger West coast presence.
- Ole Miss, University of Texas, LSU - would be cool if DPhiE was at some of these super competitive schools where sororities average around 200. I think it's cool we already have a really strong chapter at UF.

Where would you like to see new DPhiE chapters?

bcdphie 07-25-2003 11:20 PM

Of course I'm all over a chapter in Washington state - either UW or Western Washington (which is even closer to Vanc.)

I would love to see our chapters back at McGill and UofT. And it would be cool to see one at the University of Calgary or Alberta, since the Alberta schools seem to have a pretty strong greek system.

And of course some of the big US schools (epescially on the West Coast).

Zephyr 07-28-2003 04:36 PM

I would be the MDA of a chapter at Penn be honest with our strict non hazing policies I don't know how a chapter at Penn State would do because hazing is a very real problem there. We've talked about this within our Region of volunteers at length, and thusfar this is the general consensus, unless Fire1977 would like to offer her 2cents worth. :)

I'd like to see us at UCLA, Texas A & M, and U. Penn.

Denise_DPhiE 09-23-2003 10:00 PM

Future DPhiE Chapters
As Director of Expansion, I can tell you that, from the states, provinces and schools listed, UT would be the first one. We are hoping to have 3 eastern Texas schools by years end. Two are already amongst our ranks. The other is brewing....:)



bcdphie 09-24-2003 12:06 AM

Re: Future DPhiE Chapters

Originally posted by Denise_DPhiE
As Director of Expansion, I can tell you that, from the states, provinces and schools listed, UT would be the first one.



Sorry, I ment UofT as in University of Toronto ;).

Denise_DPhiE 09-28-2003 11:14 PM

U of T - Toronto
Sorry, got Texas on my mind! Toronto is still an option too. We are definitely open to Canadian opportunities. As a matter of fact there is some sort of task force about this right now!


crazydphie 12-05-2003 08:20 AM

As a member of the DG chapter at UBC, we would love a chapter at UW...We are the only sorority on our campus without one there!-Same goes for the fraternities on campus, they all have chapters there too! Since we have been trying to plan a road trip for reading break, it becomes more obvious the lack of chapters on the west coast. ONLY TWO!!!! I think it's time to start chartering in the west.

winneythepooh7 01-20-2004 10:31 PM

My boyfriend went to undergrad at the University of Arizona and there was no D*Phi*E there. I think we should have a chapter there and anywhere on the West Coast.

DPhieGinger 03-23-2004 03:43 PM

Canadian Expansion
Hey there everyone!

I agree whole-heartedly that more Canadian chapters would be amazing!! I know a few campuses in Ontario that are ripe for the picking!!!

Hope everyone is well and Happy (belated) Founders Day!


MCScatCat 06-07-2004 12:13 PM

I wish there could be a chapter at Brooklyn College (my alma mater) and also at UW-Madison (Wisconsin)... that way I can be more involved locally as an alumna!

Love & Sisterhood,

A Random DphiE 06-07-2004 12:17 PM

i would LOVE to see a chapter at FSU or UPenn...

but i'd be pleased to see more expansion in the west
(which i know we're working on)

either way, i'm more than willing to help in the efforts as soon as i graduate this December!

winneythepooh7 06-07-2004 02:11 PM

What is the process to get a chapter back on campus at a school where there used to be a chapter? One of our members of our AA is an alumna from Hunter and they closed I believe in '98. She has been talking about how she would love to help get a new chapter going there again, I would love to help out getting chapters for any of the schools here in NYC (Hunter, Fordham, even Yeshiva University where I went to grad school, not sure if they have a Greek system there though). In fact, I am not sure which city schools have Greek systems. From what I understand it can be hard to get a lot of *involved* members because city schools are such commuter schools people only go to take classes really and nothing else. As an alumna, what can I do, or better yet, what can our AA do in this area to get more chapters going in NYC?

shadokat 06-07-2004 03:15 PM

Expansion is a sticky process, because we can't just say "Let's open a chapter at XYZ school." They have to WANT to expand, and follow through with the NPC process. So in that regard, not much you can do with yourself or your AA but hope that a school near you wants to expand and it's an opportunity the international organization would want to take on.

AEPhiSierra 06-07-2004 08:22 PM

sorry to crash but i saw winneythepooh7's post and thought i could provide some feedback since I am a member of AEPhi at Brooklyn College.

As far as I know the only commuters schools with NPC Sororities in NYC are Brooklyn, Queens, College of Staten Island, Pratt & Wagner and they also have locals. There are several other NYC campuses that only have local chapters. I don't know if any of them has a functioning Panhel beside Brooklyn.

Expansion on these campuses and other city campuses will never happen with an invitation for expansion. The NYC Greeks aren't familiar enough with Greek culture and NPC Policy to know that's the way it happens and they generally aren't that organized. The only reason there are nationals here now is b/c local sororities and interest groups formed and then sought out national affiliation. (I can think of several locals who at some point wanted to go national but never affiliated with one). National Fraternities have a much greater presence on NYC campuses b/c of their lack of expansion rules.

I know that nationals on my campus would LOVE our locals to affiliate with national organizations but we don't even know how to approach it since the locals aren't associate members of panhel. we just don't know how to go about pushing the subject.

Does anyone know if Panhellenic Expansion ever approaches locals to go national or do they only come in when asked. If there are any nationals out there willing to accept small chapters (I have yet to hear of a commuter chapter in NYC over 30) there are probably a dozen locals that could be approached. If Panhel was more agressive with expansion I think there could be a much greater Panhel presence in NYC.

hope that was helpful, and sorry again for crashing.

LPIDelta 06-07-2004 10:56 PM

Hey all--get in touch with DPhiE_Denise. She'll know the answer!

Expansion happens in several different ways. Formally, its an invitation from the school for expansion. More informally, it could be a local that is looking to go national just collecting information. Certainly alumna interest is a factor. We do look for opportunities with local alumna support. Denise knows all the ins and outs so if there is serious interest, contact Denise.

I don't speak for anyone but NYC seems like an area we might have great interest in for expansion, and certainly re-establishing dormant chapters, if the opportunity is good, is something we should be excited to do.


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