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babydoll2012 01-03-2009 06:28 PM

New Brutally Honest Recruitment Thread!
Hey everyone! I'm actually a different user on here, but I'm really dying to write my brutally honest recruitment story. Complete annonymity will protect both myself and the people I am talking about. I was inspired by another brutally honest recruitment story from a few years ago, so since I'm going to be going through rush in a couple weeks, I want to write as I go and be able to be as honest and accurate as possible. Since my campus has deferred recruitment, I'll start at the beginning of the semester. I don't know how this is all going to turn out, so I don't know what's important and what isn't. Please bear with me. Okay, here we go!

Now the sororities. Code names: Greek Godesses. I don't know if any of these go with actual sororities, so pardon me if they do. It's unintentional.

High school was not the best time of my life. I was a little dorky and naive for the first half of school, and once I finally "bloomed" between junior and senior year, I began to feel like I didn't fit in with my group of friends anymore. Once graduation came around, I was tired of feeling held back by them, and broke away from them completely. Then I met Vincent (not his real name). He was a great guy, who happened to be a good bit older than I was, and we dated all summer and into the first semester.

And this brings us to the first semester. There really isn't much to tell because most of my free time was spent with Vincent. I didn't end up going out all that much, and when I did I would either not drink or would only drink a little so that I didn't end up doing anything stupid. Fair enough, right? But by October I was barely ever going out, and would spend entire weekends with Vincent. I started to neglect some of the people I had become friends with. I pretty much hung out with my roommate and the people I knew from classes and girls on my floor.

While Vincent wasn't a big supporter, I was always dead-set on going Greek. A lot of the girls on my floor were doing it too, so I knew I wouldn't be alone. So I started researching and looking at the girls I knew who were Greek. Through classes, I knew a
Hera, a Pandora, two Demeters, and a few Aphrodites. I really liked all of these girls. A lot of my friends from my floor went to Meet the Greeks together in September. I really loved Artemis, and I ended up talking to them for the majority of the event. I also got along really well, again, with Pandora. I didn't particularly click with Hestia, and I just wasn’t into Athena.

In the next episode:
Skip ahead to November. Vincent and I break up, and I decide it's time to experience the "college lifestyle" at last. Excessive drinking, partying, and madness ensues...

Benzgirl 01-03-2009 06:38 PM

Please tell me that Vincent didn't go to Meet the Greeks with you (calling KSU Violet)

babydoll2012 01-03-2009 06:53 PM

No no, he was older and out of college.

KSUViolet06 01-04-2009 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Benzgirl (Post 1760823)
Please tell me that Vincent didn't go to Meet the Greeks with you (calling KSUViolet)

LOL. That was quite possibly the weirdest thing ever.

babydoll2012 01-07-2009 03:10 PM

Sorry, I don't have time to write a whole lot right now because life is going a little crazy (in a good way). So here's just a quick update to keep the ball rolling.

I realized I never really "rated" the sororities thus far, so here's my initial idea of each one. I know, you're not really supposed to rank sororities before you go through rush, but it's not exactly a big school, and I can't help it :D

Athena: These are the "fat girls" if you will. Everyone I've met from this group is VERY nice, but a little awkward. I haven't really met anyone from here that I really felt a particularly strong connection with.

Artemis: At Meet the Greeks in the fall I absolutely loved these girls. I ended up talking to about 5 or 6 of them for nearly an hour. Absolutely no one compared to them. Everyone was gorgeous and so friendly. I just clicked with everyone I spoke with. Probably my top choice thus far.

Aphrodite: Ehh. I know a few girls from here, but as a group they're just not my favorite. They aren't the most popular house, and they make sure everyone knows that they aren't the "fat" house like Athena. Generally, I found these girls a bit stuck up, although there are a couple I really like.

Demeter: This is a newer chapter on campus, so it's not as established. There really isn't a campus-wide reputation for these girls, but in my experience, they're pretty cool. I like them, but they aren't my top choice.

Hera: This is the "slutty" chapter. I think they seem like fun, and everyone i've met from this group is cool. Maybe a little unfriendly to some, but I've never had a problem with any of them. I actually really like them. They're very honest and straight forward.

Hestia: Another "ehh" house. Not bad, but not great. I'm kind of neutral about this one.

Pandora: The "pretty" girls. They have a reputation for being snobby rich girls, but I haven't experienced this AT ALL. I loved them at Meet The Greeks as well, although I didn't get to talk to them as much as I would have liked to. My friends Serena and Blair (they're coming in the next segment, and these aren't their real names) are dead-set on this group. I'd say this group is tied for first with Artemis.

So, there you have it. My pre-rush rankings look something like this:

1. Artemis
2. Pandora
3. Hera
4. Hestia
5. Demeter
6. Athena
7. Aphrodite

Although things move around all the time. I really like the top 3 A LOT, and I think it's going to be hard for me to choose just one :)

epchick 01-07-2009 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by babydoll2012 (Post 1762301)
Sorry, I don't have time to write a whole lot right now because life is going a little crazy right now (in a good way). So here's just a quick update to keep the ball rolling.

I realized I never really "rated" the sororities thus far, so here's my initial idea of each sorority. I know, you're not really supposed to rank sororities before you go through rush, but it's not exactly a big school, and I can't help it :D

Athena: These are the "fat girls" if you will. Everyone I've met from this group is VERY nice, but a little awkward. I haven't really met anyone from here that I really felt a particularly strong connection with. I'm not particularly fond of them, but I don't dislike them I guess.
Artemis: At Meet the Greeks in the fall I absolutely loved these girls. I ended up talking to about 5 or 6 of them for nearly an hour. Absolutely no one compared to them. Everyone was gorgeous and so friendly. I just clicked with everyone I spoke with. Probably my top choice thus far.

Aphrodite: Ehh.I know a few girls from here, but as a group they're just not my favorite. They aren't the most popular house, and they make sure everyone knows that they aren't the "fat" house like Athena. Generally, I found these girls a bit stuck up, although there are a couple I really like.

Demeter: This is a newer chapter on campus, so it's not as established. There really isn't a campus-wide reputation for these girls, but in my experience, they're very nice. I like them, but they aren't my top choice.

Hera: This is the "slutty" chapter. I think they seem like fun, and everyone i've met from this group is cool. Maybe a little unfriendly to some, but I've never had a problem with any of them. I actually really like them. They're very honest and straight forward.

Hestia: Another "ehh" house. Not bad, but not great. I'm kind of neutral about this one.

Pandora: The "pretty" girls. They have a reputation for being snobby rich girls, but I haven't experienced this AT ALL. I loved them at Meet The Greeks as well, although I didn't get to talk to them as much as I would have liked to. My friends Serena and Blair (they're coming in the next segment, and these aren't their real names) are dead-set on this group. I'd say this group is tied for first with Artemis.

So, there you have it. My pre-rush rankings look something like this:

1. Artemis
1. Pandora
3. Hera
4. Hestia
5. Demeter
6. Athena
7. Aphrodite

Although things move around all the time. I really like the top 3 A LOT, and I think it's going to be hard for me to choose just one :)

Wait, you were a freshman when you rushed, correct? So these are just based on your impression at Meet the Greek?

babydoll2012 01-07-2009 05:08 PM

I'm a freshman now, and I have deferred rush, so this is based on all of the fall semester. I haven't rushed yet, this is in progress.

APhiAnna 01-07-2009 05:28 PM

Ooooh let's let this one roll, I want to see how it turns out, nobody scare her away like they do in some recruitment threads.

KSUViolet06 01-07-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by APhiAnna (Post 1762367)
Ooooh let's let this one roll, I want to see how it turns out, nobody scare her away like they do in some recruitment threads.

Me too. We love honesty, especially when the person posting hasn't even gone through recruitment yet. How refreshing! Can't wait to hear more!

true_blue 01-08-2009 10:20 AM

Watching and reading.... :)

33girl 01-08-2009 11:47 AM

Can you use the real names instead of the fake ones? I hate wondering which is which and if my sorority's involved, I want an honest opinion of what rushees think of us! :)

agzg 01-08-2009 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by 33girl (Post 1762645)
Can you use the real names instead of the fake ones? I hate wondering which is which and if my sorority's involved, I want an honest opinion of what rushees think of us! :)

Maybe she'd be willing to send people the code if they PM her and ask?

babydoll2012 01-08-2009 02:23 PM

Yeah feel free to PM me if you really can't stand the mystery :)

ThetaPrincess24 01-08-2009 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by 33girl (Post 1762645)
Can you use the real names instead of the fake ones? I hate wondering which is which and if my sorority's involved, I want an honest opinion of what rushees think of us! :)

I think that should be a rule when starting a "brutally honest" thread :)

babydoll2012 01-08-2009 04:03 PM

WOW guys, I didn't realize that so many people were reading this. I was logged on before class, went to class, and when I came back I had 5 PMs for the code. Thanks for being so interested, it makes me feel special :p

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