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meridionaleDG 06-21-2003 08:17 PM

Have you ever heard another sorority be catty about yours?
I was reading the threads about people wearing letters and it reminded me of something.

One night I went to a bar with some of my sisters to hear a Dave Matthews coverband. The guy who I was dancing with all night turned out to be the singer's roomate, so I stayed and chatted for a while after the show was over and everyone was leaving. I was sitting in a chair, and infront of me sitting on the stage were a few girls from another sorority. Well, one of the band members pulled off his shirt because he was hot, and he had on a DG party shirt from LSU on as an under shirt. One of the girls from another sorority was like ew - DG?!?!! Joking around, but still she had no clue who I was. The guy was like uhm - would you be happy if I took it off?

When she said that I wanted to slap her, but instead I asked her what was wrong with DG? She was like why do you want to know? And I said because I am a DG. Her expression was priceless. Her and her sisters did a 180 all of the sudden and started saying "Oh we love DG, we were just kidding around!" Ah, I just smiled and said whatever. The guy was like hm - I think I like her better (referring to me, because I am NICE and not catty) so I'll sport her letters thanks! I was like HA!

It's pretty dumb they were like that seeing as how all the sororities live together. We are both in our school's top sororities, so I guess she just wanted to look all snotty. I don't know.

Has this happened to anyone else?

MoxieGrrl 06-21-2003 09:40 PM

In one word...yes.

The remarks usually came in the form of....guy says that my house was the nicest. Girl would say, "yeah, but (insert childish comment about members' weight)." :rolleyes:

My fav quote is applicable..."Beauty fades, but dumb is forever."

I definitely do not think that catty = sorority girl personality trait. Every group has a few bad apples and when they say things, they are just being jealous.

AchtungBaby80 06-21-2003 10:29 PM

Yes, but I agree with MoxieGrrl, they're just jealous.

DolphinChicaDDD 06-21-2003 10:49 PM


Originally posted by MoxieGrrl
I definitely do not think that catty = sorority girl personality trait. Every group has a few bad apples and when they say things, they are just being jealous.
I hear that...the green eyed moster rears its ugly head ALOT on my campus.
I think cattiness is just a girl trait, in general. Does it ever seem to anyone else that, in general, the more the girls in the room, the great the potential for cattiness.(please note the phrase "IN GENERAL").

AchtungBaby80 06-21-2003 10:53 PM


Originally posted by DolphinChicaDDD
I think cattiness is just a girl trait, in general. Does it ever seem to anyone else that, in general, the more the girls in the room, the great the potential for cattiness.(please note the phrase "IN GENERAL").
Yeah, I think so. Almost every lady I know has said something catty at some point about someone or something. Men do it, too, but it's not as in-your-face.

Peaches-n-Cream 06-21-2003 11:06 PM

Some girl said something shall we say unflattering about my sorority. She was catty, snotty, etc. She saw me wearing my letters. I looked at her and starting laughing. She didn't know what to do. I was sleep deprived and laughing at her in her snotty little face.

KillarneyRose 06-21-2003 11:44 PM

That happens all the time, sweetie, so don't fret about it. Girls never bother being catty about another sorority unless they're threatened or intimidated. Consider it a compliment ;)

justamom 06-22-2003 09:47 AM

Well, one of the band members pulled off his shirt because he was hot, and he had on a DG party shirt from LSU on as an under shirt. I could ALMOST think he got that shirt from my daughter and her group of friends within DG! She wants to get into band promotions and knows a number of groups (ESPECIALLY cover bands) that play around BR! Plus, she has connections to bands up to D.C.

There is a certain sorority at LSU (I was so angry I started a thread) that in the past 2 years has been going head to head with DG for some top PNMs. They actually talked trash DURING RUSH! The NMs told the DGs ALL about it.

For the most part, jibes and jokes are a part of the territory. It's a mark of competition. There's an old truism that says when people STOP talking about you, you're in trouble.

Then, you have that segment of people who are willfully mean and cruel. They were cruel in HS, they were bullies on the playground and they probably "bit the tit" of their own mother!
Nothing can change them, so you have to outsmart them. At the very least, maybe you taught them/her a good lesson-think twice before your open your yap! Somehow, I doubt that a person THAT tacky is a "fast learner".

When you are secure and possess something enviable, you will always be a target of those who feel threatened or are less equipped to handle the heat in an honest fashion.
Cest La Vie...

DigitalAngel126 06-22-2003 09:55 AM

Some girls just have nothing better to do, you know?:rolleyes:

LeslieAGD 06-22-2003 09:57 AM

Right on, DigitalAngel.

PM_Mama00 06-22-2003 10:17 AM

I ain't gona lie... I've talked a shit here or there. On my campus Phi Mu and D Phi E are rivals so of course there's gona be shit talked! The funniest is when it's said right in front of the other org and it's a VERY hypocritical comment. But now alot of Phi Mus and Deephers are pretty good friends, so the comments aren't really directed towards each others orgs, cept maybe during Greek Week.

Now the guys on our campus? Forget it. Talk about penis envy. I think they talk more shit about each other than the girls do. The girls are more gossipy while the guys are just plain ol talkin shit they can't back up.

Senusret I 06-22-2003 10:31 AM

Maybe she was JUST joking.....

meridionaleDG 06-22-2003 12:45 PM


Originally posted by dardenr
Maybe she was JUST joking.....
You are right, she could have been - but there was something about the way she said it and then when I asked her what was wrong with DG she gave me daggers for a stare.

I am friends with a lot of people in her sorority, and I really like them, I just didn't like the comment she made or the look she gave me. I just thought it was kind of tacky. I wasn't really posting this to say OMG look what happened, I was just curious if other people have been in similiar situations.

meridionaleDG 06-22-2003 12:48 PM

Hm, maybe so! Ask her if she knows anyone in the Dave Matthews Coverband named Grey Street. They go to LSU - so I am sure they play Baton Rouge a lot.

That would be kinda neat. It's a small world : )

And your daughter is a DG at LSU? I am going to PM you! I've always wanted to know about their chapter!!!


Originally posted by justamom
Well, one of the band members pulled off his shirt because he was hot, and he had on a DG party shirt from LSU on as an under shirt. I could ALMOST think he got that shirt from my daughter and her group of friends within DG! She wants to get into band promotions and knows a number of groups (ESPECIALLY cover bands) that play around BR! Plus, she has connections to bands up to D.C.

There is a certain sorority at LSU (I was so angry I started a thread) that in the past 2 years has been going head to head with DG for some top PNMs. They actually talked trash DURING RUSH! The NMs told the DGs ALL about it.

For the most part, jibes and jokes are a part of the territory. It's a mark of competition. There's an old truism that says when people STOP talking about you, you're in trouble.

Then, you have that segment of people who are willfully mean and cruel. They were cruel in HS, they were bullies on the playground and they probably "bit the tit" of their own mother!
Nothing can change them, so you have to outsmart them. At the very least, maybe you taught them/her a good lesson-think twice before your open your yap! Somehow, I doubt that a person THAT tacky is a "fast learner".

When you are secure and possess something enviable, you will always be a target of those who feel threatened or are less equipped to handle the heat in an honest fashion.
Cest La Vie...

kddani 06-22-2003 01:05 PM


Originally posted by JohnsDGsweethrt
I was so insulted that this other group would behave in this manor toward us. Trying to one up us with the SAEs. :rolleyes: Anyway, that's my story
Wait, you were insulted because one group did something nice for another group???? How on earth is that insulting your group?

Doing that for the fraternity was actually a great tactic to help improve their overall image and their reputation among fraternities. It had nothing to do with your group. Maybe they were tired of this so called "milk and cookies" image and are trying to get in better with the fraternities. It was also just a NICE thing to do. I wish more groups would do stuff like that.

Sorry, just don't see how a good deed can be an insult.

No wonder people don't do nice things for other people anymore.....

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